Here are three reconstruction with the anomalies adjusted to a 1945 to 1955 baseline. Solar is "constant" so it doesn't require a baseline supposedly. There is not a great deal of change in the the boiler fuel feed, Solar or the boiler pressure, IPWP, but the Northern Extra-Tropical region, ~30N-90N as reconstructed by Christiansen, B. and F.C. Ljungqvist. 2012 has quite a bit of variation. Because all "Global" surfaces are not created equal, the Northern Extra-Tropical region has a larger influence on "surface" temperature while the IPWP has a larger influence on global energy availability.
Since there is some correlations that seem to shift to the "eye" you can compare correlations between all three "signals".
With 101 year smoothing you can pick out the solar-IPWP correlation that appears to have about a 1600 year cycle in agreement with various estimates of ocean mixing time frames and the IPWP-NoExt correlation is more random with a Pseudo-Cyclic period of about 1000 years. These pseudo-cyclic period just happen to be in the range of the 1470 +/-500 year Bond events which just happen to roughly correlate with the Roman Warm Period, Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age, etc. etc. etc.
The range of impact of these natural "pseudo-cycles" is on the order of +/- 1 C with about twice the range in the Northern Extra-Tropical region and can be much more if you get extremely anal and look at the higher northern latitudes.
Ignoring a natural range of variability this large is easy if you don't consider the lags, phase relationships and amplifications involved.
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